A'Takamul International School is divided into three Schools which being the Kindergarten, Elementary
and Middle and High School

Kindergarten: Comprises of KG 1 and KG 2. This department is located in the ground floor of the school. For the academic year 2016-17, KG 1 has 11 classes and KG 2 has 11 classes. Each class has an experienced, ministry-approved classroom teacher, Arabic teacher and Teacher’s Assistant.
The department is led by a Principal, Vice Principal and two Grade coordinators. There is also a department secretary, a qualified nurse, counselor, Music teacher and a full-time substitute teacher. KG1 and KG 2 are located on opposite sides of the building with separate play areas. Indoor facilities include KG library, Music Room, Staff room, Nurse’s office, Resource Room, Staff work room and Activity Rooms. Washrooms are age, size and gender appropriate.
Elementary: It consists of classes from Grades 1-5. With the exception of Grade 5, all elementary classes are on the ground floor while Grade 5 is on the 1st floor. Grade 5 are segregated by gender in the classrooms, but share common areas. Each class has a qualified, ministry-approved classroom teacher, Arabic teacher and Islamic teacher.The department is led by a Principal, Vice Principal and five grade coordinators. There is also a department secretary, a qualified nurse, counselor, ICT teachers, PE teachers, Music teacher, Librarian and a full-time substitute teacher.Indoor facilities include an Elementary library, ICT labs, Music Room, Staff room, Nurse’s office, Resources Room, ESL Rooms and AFL room. Washrooms are age-, size- and gender appropriate.

Middle School and High School: The students are separated by gender, each being on a separate floor, having their own entrances, play areas and canteen. Teachers, however, move between the two floors depending upon their teaching requirements. The girls are located in the basement and the boys on the second floor. All teachers are qualified, ministry-approved subject specialists.The department is led by a Principal, two Vice Principals, and Subject Coordinators. There is also a department secretary, a qualified nurse, Middle School counselor, High School counselor, Librarian, Substitute teacher, Learning Support teacher, AFL and ESL teacher.Indoor facilities include Science Labs, Library, ICT labs, Art Room, Staff room, Nurse’s office, Activity Room, Staff Workroom, ESL Room and AFL room. Washrooms are age, size and gender appropriate.